How to say YES and NO

One of the most important things about consent is learning how to express it.


What do ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ look and sound like?

We all communicate in different ways, so it can be useful to think about how people may communicate about consent. Have a look below and see if any of these sound familiar:

Consent IS:Consent is NOT:
I’m sureI’m not sure
I knowI don’t know
I want toI want to, but…
I’m not worriedI feel worried about
I want to do this right nowI don’t know how I feel about this
I feel good about thisI don’t want to do this anymore

Non-verbal communication is something that everyone uses whether we know we are doing it or not. Also known as body-language, non-verbal communication can be a great tool for understanding and expressing how we feel.

Have a look below and see if these are familiar:

Non-verbal consent could be:Non-verbal consent IS NOT:
Initiating an activityAvoiding an activity or actively withdrawing
Pulling someone closerPushing someone away
Actively touching someoneAvoiding touch
Nodding yesShaking head no
Laughter or smilingCrying and/or looking sad or fearful
“Open” body language: relaxed, loose and open expressions, turning toward someone“Closed” body language: tense, stiff, or closed expressions, turning away from someone
Sounds of enjoyment or enthusiasm, for example laughter or clappingSilence or fearful/negative sounds, for example screaming or yelling
Active participationExcessive compliance or resignation

As a parent or carer, you can probably understand your child’s verbal and non-verbal ways of saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’. However, for them to be able to become more independent and make decisions for themselves, it is important to support your child to practice saying ‘yes’ and ‘no’ in different situations and with different people. This is also an important skill to practice to help keep them safe. For more information on how to support your child to learn consent, go to Consent.

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Introduction to puberty for girls
How to say YES and NO

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